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Residential Programme

Our residential programme focuses on the whole person and helps the substance use disordered person   reflect in a supportive and therapeutic environment. The In-Patient Programme is an individualized  tailored  12 week (90 days ) residential treatment program that provides treatment for the problem drinker/alcoholic or drug user away from their usual work or family environment. In our safe, serene and supportive recovery community, the individual has the opportunity to regain their physical and psychological health through participating in a structured program that focuses on behavioral change.  .
Our In-Patient treatment model is 12-step based and includes a variety of evidence based treatment modalities.

Phases of residential treatment

  1. Primary Intervention: The focus is on introduction to a new way of life without substances, demystifying myths about addiction, understanding both acute and long term effects of substances.
  2. Secondary intervention: The focus is on life skills, how to cope and live a healthy and productive lifestyle away from substances. 
  3. Relapse intervention: The disease of addiction is cunning, baffling and a relapsing illness, however not everyone must go through a relapse, clients are  empowered with healthy coping strategies as they work towards formulating a relapse prevention and management plan that is meant to guide them during the transition period after discharge.

Why Work with Us


Zawena Treatment Center is a premier provider of scientifically driven, behavioral health services to those suffering from alcohol and drug dependency. We have a team of multi-disciplinary professional care givers.

Care & Culture

Our goal at Zawena Treatment Center is to re-empower those that are trapped and suffering from substance use disorder. We also ensure our patients’ needs are well taken care of, and they are in the process of living an accountable and excited sober life.


Growth and development, free of substance dependence for our patients. Enlightenment of families and community in the stigma, care and support of those affected.